The Development of Web - based Instruction with Questioning Method to Enhancing Analytical Thinking Ability for 7th Grade Students
The Development of web – based, Instruction with Questioning MethodAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to develop a web-based instruction with questing method to enhance critical thinking of 7th grade students, 2) to measure the effectiveness of the proposed web-based instruction with questing method to enhance critical thinking of 7th grade students, 3) to compare critical thinking ability of 7th grade students with questing method and traditional instruction, 4) to compare the learning outcomes of 7th grade students with questing method and traditional instruction, and 5) to study the students’ opinions towards the web-based instruction with questing method to enhance critical thinking. Samples in this research were obtained by multistage sampling. Research instruments used in this research were the web-based instruction with questing method in topic of the world heritage in southeast Asia, a learning achievement test, a critical thinking test, and a students’ satisfaction evaluation form. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean (), standard deviation (S) and t-test.
The research results were as follow;
- The web-based instruction with questioning method to enhancing analytical thinking ability for 7th grade students had got a very good quality level. In the aspect of computer and media, the overall average score was 4.23. In the aspect of content, the overall average was 4.39. Both aspects had a very good quality level.
- The effectiveness index of web-based instruction with questioning method to enhancing analytical thinking ability for 7th grade students was at 0.6137.
- The comparison results of critical thinking ability of students who used the web-based instruction with questioning method and traditional instruction showed that there were significantly different at the .05 level.
- The comparison results of the learning outcomes of students who used the web-based instruction with questioning method and traditional instruction showed that there were significantly different at the .05 level.
5.The students’ satisfaction of web-based instruction with questioning method to enhancing analytical thinking ability for 7th grade students was at the highest level (=4.66)
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