Development of the Mathematical Instructional Model Based on Constructivism in Developing Creative Problem-Solving Ability for the 8th Grade Students


  • สุชีรา ศุภพิมลวรรณ 0917989560
  • อาพันธ์ชนิต เจนจิต คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • วิมลรัตน์ จตุรานนท์ คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Instruction Model, Constructivism, Creative Problem Solving Ability


The purposes of this study were 1) to develop a mathematical instructional model based on constructivism for developing creative problem-solving ability for the 8th grade students, and 2) to study results from using the mathematical instructional model based on constructivism for developing creative problem-solving ability for the eighth-grade students. This research was a research and development research and was conducted into four phases. The first phase was to study basic information about learning management. The second phase was to develop a learning management model. The third phase was to try out the developed learning management model. The fourth phase was to evaluate the findings and to revise the instructional model. The sample, randomized by cluster random sampling, were 50 students studying in the 8th grade in the second semester in the 2018 academic year. The research instruments were instructional plans a creative problem-solving ability test on Application Linear Equations with One Variable, and a mathematical achievement test on Application Linear Equations with One Variable. The statistics were mean, standard deviation, and t - test.

            The research findings were as follows.

  1. The mathematical instructional model based on constructivism for developing creative problem-solving ability for the 8th grade students consisted of four components: principles, objectives, instructional procedures, and measurement and evaluation. The findings of the evaluation of the quality of the mathematical instructional model by the experts showed that the mathematical instructional model was appropriate at a high level.
  2. The findings of the implementation of the mathematical instructional model based on constructivism for developing creative problem-solving ability for the 8th grade student showed that the students could solve problems creatively. The mean score after learning was higher than that before learning with the statistical significance. The students could solve problems creatively since after learning, the students had the scores higher than the standard scores by 80% with the statistical significance. The students had the scores of the mathematical achievement test after learning higher than that before learning with the statistical significance and they had the scores of the mathematical achievement test after learning higher than that of the standard scores by 80% with the statistical significance.

Keywords: An Instructional Model, Constructivism, Creative Problem-Solving Ability


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How to Cite

ศุภพิมลวรรณ ส., เจนจิต อ. ., & จตุรานนท์ ว. . (2020). Development of the Mathematical Instructional Model Based on Constructivism in Developing Creative Problem-Solving Ability for the 8th Grade Students. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(2), 189–199. Retrieved from



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