The Designing of Costumes Worn in the Parades of Traditional Events and Rituals of Roi-Kean-Sara-Sin Provincial Group


  • ณัฐปกรณ์ อภิมติรัตน์ คณะวัฒนธรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม
  • ซิสิกกา วรรณจันทร์ คณะวัฒนธรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


Design, Costume, Traditional


This research aimed to study the history and the principle of costumes designing worn in parade of the rituals and traditional events of Roi-Kaen-Sara-Sin provincial group. The research methodology was qualitative research and presented the result by descriptive statistic. Designing was the formation of meaning and identity of local woven fabric of Roi-Kean-Sara-Sin provincial group. It was also the formation of meaning as a “symbolic” and created the "identity" of One Tambon One Product of Roi-Kean-Sara-Sin provincial group including: 1) fabric in Saket pattern of Roi Et province, 2) fabric in creative Mud-mee pattern of Khon Kaen province, 3) fabric in Soi-Dork-Mahk pattern of Maha Sarakham province, and 4) fabric in Praewa pattern of Kalasin province. All four provinces of Roi-Kean-Sara-Sin provincial group had announced that all stated fabrics patterns were a unique fabric of each province. When realized the fabric pattern of each province, the researcher was also inspired by the costumes of people attending the traditional events and their reason of holding the traditional events. Then, the guidelines for operation and design of costumes used in the parades of traditional events and rituals were obtained with the consistent of the engagement theory and concept of costume design which based on the principle of design by using local raw materials as an alternative material for creating costumes. These principles led to operation and design of costumes used in the parades of traditional events and rituals of Roi-Kean-Sara-Sin provincial group. The design inspiration was obtained from their symbols and identities which had meaningful in each costume and led to implement in the dressmaking process and use in the real world. The components in each costume had its meaning which correspond to the context of the tradition events and the parade which used the costume as the basic of beautiful culture.


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How to Cite

อภิมติรัตน์ ณ., & วรรณจันทร์ ซ. (2019). The Designing of Costumes Worn in the Parades of Traditional Events and Rituals of Roi-Kean-Sara-Sin Provincial Group. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 14(2), 43–59. Retrieved from



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