The Natural Dyed Cavendish Banana Fibers for Making of Basketry Products


  • จินตนา อินภักดี ภาควิชาคหกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
  • พูลสุข บุญยเนตร ภาควิชาคหกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


Natural dyeing, Cavendish banana tree fibers, Banana fiber twisting


The objectives of this research were 1) to examine characteristics of Cavendish banana fibers 2) to investigate the natural dyeing techniques of the Cavendish banana fibers and 3) to explore methods of using the fibers to produce the basketry products. The sample group in this experiment were the Cavendish banana fibers which be dyed with white cheesewood bark, lac, ebony tree fruit, indigo, and Burmese rosewood bark. Two natural dyeing techniques, hot and cold, have been utilized. There are two methods of prepare the fibers: pig tailing and twisting. The statistics used to analyze the data were the complete random design (CRD) and comparison of the means by using the t-test. The research found that the characteristics of the Cavendish banana fibers can be used as materials for basketry products. Comparing by using the body of Cavendish banana tree, the leaf sheath could be produced the fibers for 12 layers but the core could not be used. The length of leaf sheath in the 1st ro 7th layer was the same, on the other hand, the 8th to 12th layer was not the same. From measuring the weights of the layers, it was revealed that they were not different in weights and their average weights range from 231.03 to 239.01 grams. It was also found that sizes, resistance and Young’s modulus values of the fibers were not different. The internal resistance value of the fourth layer was different from those of the other layers. The first layer had the highest resistance value and the fourth layer had the highest Young’s modulus value. The investigation on natural dyeing techniques with the five natural dyes revealed that the dyes were able to stick with the fibers well. The hot and cold dyeing techniques yield had the same hues but different values and chroma. The dyes from White Cheesewood bark and wet indigo using different dyeing techniques yield the same color, whereas, those from Lac, Ebony tree fruit, and Burmese Rosewood bark yield different colors. For incorporating the fibers to produce basketry products, it could be done by twisting or pig tailing the fibers to a bigger size by include 15-20 fibers before weaving into different products by using various weaving techniques.


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How to Cite

อินภักดี จ., & บุญยเนตร พ. (2019). The Natural Dyed Cavendish Banana Fibers for Making of Basketry Products. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 14(2), 9–18. Retrieved from



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