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This research aimed to 1) study the issues and needs for the development of creative coffee tourism communication, and 2) design infographic media to promote creative coffee tourism in Khao Kho District, Phetchabun Province. 10 key informants, including coffee shop entrepreneurs, coffee farmers, local government agencies, and tourism association representatives. Data were collected through group interviews and analyzed inductively to identify issues and communication strategies, leading to the design of prototype infographic media by researchers and design experts. Using the population that assessed satisfaction with infographic media design, including: Thai tourist, including coffee shop entrepreneurs, coffee farmers, government and private sector agencies. Data were collected using questionnaire and analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and descriptive analysis.      The research found that the challenges in creative tourism communication involve the target audience's lack of knowledge and understanding and the demand for creative tourism communication media includes modern, visually appealing infographics that are easy to understand. Hence, two sets of infographic media were developed: 1) infographics promoting creative coffee tourism in Khao Kho District, featuring information about Arabica Khao Kho and specialty coffee, and 2) infographics showcasing creative coffee tourism activities and routes a story titled "From Tree to Cup: Arabica Khao Kho." This allowed tourists to access data via QR codes. The satisfaction evaluation of the infographic media showed an overall high level of satisfaction.

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Research Articles


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