The Development of Innovative Learning Experiences through a Series of Drama and Role-playing Activities to Promote Executive Thinking Skills in Early Childhood Students in Small-sized Schools

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Suchanad Chaiwanna


Step 1: Create and develop innovative learning experiences through a series of drama and role-playing activities to promote early childhood children’s executive thinking skills in small-sized schools, and step 2 experiment with the innovative learning experience.   The samples were 318 early childhood students and 39 early childhood teachers in small-sized schools under Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 by multi-stage sampling.   The data were collected by employing learning plans to develop executive thinking skills in early childhood by using innovative learning experiences through a series of drama and role-playing activities in small-sized schools; assessment form to measure the level of executive thinking skills, and teacher satisfaction assessment form in the use of innovation; analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The result of creating and developing an innovation for learning experience through a series of drama and role-playing activities to promote executive thinking skills of early childhood children in small-sized schools accorded to the 80/80 criterion with E1 equal to 87.56 and E2 equal to 86.03. 2)Early childhood students had executive thinking abilities after using innovative learning experiences through a series of drama and role-playing activities higher than before using innovations significantly different at 0.01. 3) Teacher satisfaction with innovative learning experiences involving drama and role-playing activities to promote the executive thinking skills of early childhood children in small-sized schools was at the highest level.

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