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Asst.Prof.Dr.Vich Boonrod
Siwadon Matarat


The purposes of this research study were to investigate knowledge and cultures of boating songs plays through the Tha-pho Elderly Community, Muang District, Phitsanulok and create phlengrua with the Community. The participants were categorized into 2 groups including 1) information provider group, who were professional in folk plays, community philosopher, and those volunteering elderlies within the community; and 2) the sample group, that included 8 volunteering elderlies from Tha-pho Community. The eight participants in the sample group were the registered population of Tha-pho Sub-district, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province. The group would collaborate in creating phlengrua in the study. The study tools were experienced-based interview and creative-work evaluation. The results of the study revealed in 2 aspects as follows. Firstly, Phlengrua by Tha-pho Community, Phitsanulok, were remarkable with the language in which applied the local dialect to the lyrics, so the songs were the identity of Tha-pho Community. However, Phlengrua have been gradually disappeared according to the world changes. The next finding was about the songs in which were brainstormed among the community members. They created and performed together; and it was measured at the Excellent Level. This also enhanced the community members to live in harmony and be aware of the local culture values through the local plays in order to make the most benefits for the community and society. This could be considered as the method to make awareness to the youth on the values of local culture and wisdoms. As a result, it could be further preserved and transferred to the next generations.

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