Development of a Learning Process in History, Art, Culture and Wisdom of the Ethnic Groups in Nakhon Sawan Province by Using Community Base for Enhancing the Learner Competency in the 21st Century

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Yaowares Pakdeejit
Piraya Photipitak


This research objectives were 1) to create a community-based learning management plan for the history, arts, culture, and local wisdom of the ethnic groups, 2) to develop the learning process of history, arts, culture, and local wisdom of the ethnic groups, and 3) to evaluate the learning outcomes of history, arts, culture and local wisdom of the ethnic groups. The target group was a purposive selection, consisting of 20 representatives of the ethnic groups, 100 school administrators, teachers, and students. The data were collected by employing 1) an interview form, 2) a suitability assessment form, 3) a behavior and learning process assessment form, 4) a learning achievement form, and 5) an opinion questionnaire and analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and descriptive data analysis. The results showed that: 1)  Creating a learning management plan for learning history, arts, culture, and local wisdom of the ethnic groups comprised a total of 5 topics: Lao Ethnic Group, Mon Ethnic Group, Vietnamese Ethnic Group, Muslim ethnic groups, and Chinese ethnic groups, overall, it was at a high level of suitability quality. 2) The development of the learning process of history, arts, culture, and local wisdom of the ethnic groups was found that the students had a collaborative learning process, the process of seeking knowledge group, group process, building their own knowledge, learning from media, a source of learning and local wisdom, having learning skills, cooperation skills, communication skills, creative and innovative skills, information skills, media and technology, life and career skills. 3) The evaluation of learning history, arts, culture, and local wisdom of the ethnic groups found that students had overall learning achievements with a mean score of 20.30, representing 67.68% and the students had their opinions on the community-based learning management overall with at a high level.

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