การพัฒนาสื่อและนวัตกรรมสำหรับผู้ปกครองเพื่อส่งเสริมทักษะสมอง Executive Function ของเด็กปฐมวัยของศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็ก สังกัดองค์การปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น อำเภอโกรกพระ จังหวัดนครสวรรค์ The Development of Media and Innovation for Parents in Enhancing Executive Function Brain Skills of Early Childhood in Child Development Center Under the Local Administrative Organizations of Krok Phra District, Nakhon Sawan Province

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อนงค์นารถ ยิ้มช้าง Anongnat Yim-Chang
สุชานาฏ ไชยวรรณะ Suchanad Chaiwanna


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop media and innovation for parents to enhance Executive Function brain skills, 2) to study the efficiency of media and innovation for parents in enhancing Executive Function brain skills of early childhood children of child development centers, and 3) to evaluate the quality of media and innovation for parents in enhancing early childhoods’ Executive Function brain skills. The research method divided into 3 steps: Step 1was to develop 10 sets of media and innovation for parents in enhancing Executive Function brain skills. Research instruments used consisted of one structured interview and one questionnaire. Step 2 was actual experiment of media and innovation for parents in enhancing Executive Function brain skills. Tools used was 30 test items and analyzed data by Mean and Standard Deviation for comparison of Pretest and Posttest. Step 3 was parent evaluation of media and innovation in enhancing Executive Function brain skills. The tools used consisted of a questionnaire and satisfaction questionnaire which analysis of the knowledge gained and used to be improved and analyzed by Mean and Standard Deviation.

The results of the research were as follows:

  1. Parents should be involved in teaching children to use toys for children. and toys for children should play in a variety formats which help them develop multi-skills. Including toys for children should allow children to do their own practice at the highest level which has Mean at 4.70.

  2. The results of efficiency of media and innovation for parents to promote EF (Executive Function) brain skills of early childhood can be used in all sets.

  3. Pretest and Posttest comparison results for parents to promote EF (Executive Function) brain skills of early childhood. found that the Posttest score was significantly higher than Pretest at .05 level of significance.

  4. Media and innovation evaluation for parents to promote brain skills EF (Executive Function) of early childhood found that the media was appropriated for early childhood. The manual is clear, easy-to-understand, and can be put into practice.

  5. Satisfaction towards parenting media and innovation opinions was at highest which was 4.54.

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