Effectiveness Development of Community Enterprise Group Processed Product from Longan, Lamphun Province

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นงคราญ ไชยเมือง Nongkran Chaimuang


This research aims to 1) study the operation and study the effectiveness of the longan product processing community enterprise group 2) create a model for the effectiveness development of the longan product processing community enterprise group in Lamphun province with participation of the community. Conducting research in an integrated research format. The population is 62 groups of longan-producing community enterprises of Lamphun Province and those involved in. The results of the research showed that the sample group had a high level of process effectiveness (3.59 points), The evaluation of the performance of community enterprise groups was at a moderate level (3.19 points) and an assessment to measure the economy. Sufficiency 15 questions, at a high level (3.70 points). For creating a model to develop effective group management with effective participation in 2 parts as follows: In part 1) the process which consists of Defining the direction and goals of the group. Planning operations Marketing management Member management Product and service management process Knowledge management And news. It is the capacity and ability of the group to continue to achieve its goals of oneness in the group. Adaptation of the group to the environment and society. And in part 2) the operational results of the community enterprise groups must be effective in 4 areas as follows. 1) The effectiveness of the group's mission 2) The quality of products and services 3) The efficiency of the group's operations 4) The development of the community enterprise group.It must adhere to the development goals which are balance, stability and sustainability of economic and social life.

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