บทบาทของผู้ปกครองกับการพัฒนาทักษะ EF (Executive functions skills) ของเด็กปฐมวัยในสถานการณ์แบบ New Normal The parents’ role EF (executive functions skills) development of early childhood in new normal situation

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วไลพร เมฆไตรรัตน์ Walaiporn Mektrairat
ปรียาภรณ์ คงแก้ว Preeyapron Kongkeaw


          The parents’ role EF (executive functions skills) development of early childhood in new normal situation. The purposes to develop EF (executive functions skills) of early childhood for achievements in new normal living. This is in order to illustrate the purpose and guidelines to educate early childhood related to the after covid-19 pandemic. Children need to develop more in physical, emotional, social and cognitive terms for them to be able to adjust and survive in this new normal situation. EF (executive functions skills) are related prefrontal cortex skills to manage and control emotions, cognition and performance to fulfill its aims. These skills are very important for early childhood in the new normal situation in which they should be educated to survive and adjust in living. This is part of a significant transition for the foundation of the thinking and efficiently right decisions made by early childhood. The EF (executive functions skills) composition of early childhood should be developed and promoted to recognize restraint and flexible thinking. The parents’ role is very important for early childhood EF (executive functions skills) development in the New Normal situation, where they need to give love and maintain a good relationship with their children. For EF (executive functions skills) to be completely improved in early childhood, it should include the children’s participation and positive reinforcement. This applies especially if their behavior is bad so it needs to be improved. Understanding children, their feeling and the learning to take part in school while there is a calm environment at home. These practices should be consistent and respect each other and to have authority in leadership. EF (executive functions skills) development in early childhood need to be made for living adjustment in the new normal situation whit cooperation of family institution. In these ways Thailand can overcome the obstacles and achieve these ambitious aims.


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