แนวทางการพัฒนาและใช้ประโยชน์ทรัพยากรในบึงบอระเพ็ดอย่างยั่งยืนโดย การมีส่วนร่วมของประชาชน หน่วยงาน และภาคีเครือข่าย The sustainable development and utilization of resources in Bung Boraped by the participation of people, organizations and network partners

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สุวรรณา คุณดิลกณัฐวสา Suwanna Khundiloknattawasa


This research is a qualitative research. Its objectives are (1) to study the characteristics of sustainable use of resources in Bung Boraped by participation of people, agencies and network partners (2) to manage conflicts from resource utilization in Bung Boraped of the people and the people Citizens and agencies And government agencies themselves, and (3) in order to find ways to develop and make sustainable use of Bung Boraped by the participation of people, agencies and network partners. In which there are samples that are important in providing information, including Public representative Community leader representatives Career agent In-depth interviews of 138 people and group conversations of 60 people used content analysis.

The results showed that

  1. Characteristics of resource use in Bung Boraped There are 5 important aspects which are (1) water (2) land (3) fishery (4) lotus and (5) Tourism.

  2. The conflict of resource use in Bung Boraped is divided into 3 areas which are (1) people and people (2) people and agencies and (3) agencies themselves.

  3. Sustainable development and use methods in Bung Boraped It consists of 5 steps in the development of resource utilization, which are (1) building understanding (2) being aware (3) opening opportunities to participate in (4) receiving benefits and (5) ownership.

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