ผลการจัดการเรียนรู้ด้วยชุดการสอนวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์ เรื่อง ระบบสุริยะจักรวาล ที่มีต่อผลสัมฤทธิ์และเจตคติต่อวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์ ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 4 The Effects of Learning Management with the Science Teaching Package Solar on the System on Achievement and Attitude Toward Science of Prathomsuksa 4 Students
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The purposes of this research were to construct and find the effectiveness of science instructional package, study the effective index of the instructional package in science, compare the achievement in science of Prathomsuksa 4 student before and after being taught by using the instructional package , and 4 study the attitudes of Prathomsuksa 4 students towards science subject taught by the instructional package in science. The samples were Prathomsuksa 4 students at Mary school, Meuang district, Nakhon Sawan, under Nakhon Sawan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, first semester in the 2017 academic year. The samples were 40 people, selected by Cluster sampling. The research instruments were the Instructional Package in Science on Science on Substance and Classification for Prathomsuksa 4 Students, the science achievement test on substance, measure attitudes toward science article 20 . The statistics used to compare differences in achievement before and after learning. The test marked the first use of William's stall. By comparison, statistics used to measure attitudes towards science subjects using average and standard deviation S.D. against the criteria.
The research findings are as follows: The developed instructional package in science had the high value of 82.65/88.75. The valued effectiveness index of 0.61, The achievement in science of Prathomsuksa 4 students taught by using the instructional package after being taught was higher than before with statistical significance at the .05 level, The attitudes of the Prathomsuksa 4 students towards science subject taught by instructional package in science were at the high level.
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