Occupational Noise Regulations


  • Boonchong Chawsithiwong บุญจง ขาวสิทธิวงษ์


This documentary research is aimed to explore occupational noise standards in Australia, Europe, and the United States and compare those to Thailand’s occupational noise standards. Results of this research reveal that Thailand’s occupational noise exposure is of the responsibilities of Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Labor. Occupational noise standards of both ministries are compatible. The Thai occupational noise standards are similar to that of the OSHA , U.S.A. Hearing conservation program is required for any workplace with noise level above 85 dBA as well as noise labeling. Effective noise standard enforcement should be emphasized. Neighborhood noise annoyance should not be ignored and should be solved by
social and political means.


Author Biography

Boonchong Chawsithiwong บุญจง ขาวสิทธิวงษ์

Associate Professor of the School of Social and Environmental Development, The National Institute of Development Administration




บทความวิจัย Research