Results of Program for Promoting Caregiver’s Ability in Continuing Care on Caregiver’s Ability, Functional Ability, and Complications in Ischemic Stroke Patients
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This two-group post test quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of program for promoting caregiver’s ability in continuing care on caregiver’s ability, functional ability, and complications in ischemic stroke patients. The samples were ischemic stroke patients and their caregivers in Kabinburi Hospital. Thirty samples were recruited into experimental and control group equally. Fifteen caregivers in the experimental group received program for promoting caregiver’s ability in continuing care including preparation period while their patients were in the hospital and promoting period after the patients discharged home. This program was developed by the researcher based on Caregiving Dynamics by Williams (2008). Fifteen caregivers in the control group received usual care. The program was evaluated at the forth week using two Caregiver’s Ability Assessment Forms consisting of low and moderate levels of caregiver’s ability, Patient’s Functional Ability Assessment Form, and Risk of Complications Assessment Form consisting of lungs’ infection, urinary tract infection and pressure sore. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and chi-square were computed to analyze the data.
The results showed as follow:
- The caregivers in the experimental group who took care of patients with devices and without devices had significantly higher score of caregiver’s ability than those in the control group (t = -10.087,df = 14, P<.001 and t = -4.538, df = 12, P<.001)
- The score of functional ability of patients in the experimental group was not significantly higher than the score of the control group (t = -8.51, df = 28, P = .201)
The numbers of complications of pneumonia and pressure sore in patients of the experimental group were significantly different from the numbers of complications of the control group (Fisher’s Exact test = 6.00, df = 1, P = .021,c2 = 11.56, df = 2, P = .003) whereas there was not different in urinary tract infection between the two groups (Fisher’s Exact test = 2.14, df = 1, p = .241)
This result indicated that medical nurses are able to implement this program so to enhance ability of ischemic stroke caregivers continually leading to recovery and prevent probable complications.
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ศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต. มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, เชียงใหม่.
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