Supporting Children with Disabilities to Develop Language and Communication Skills into Inclusion


  • Supattra Wongvisate Andrade


Children with disabilities, General classrooms, Inclusion, Language and communication skills, Receptive and expressive language


Every child has the right to use their own voices with respect and dignity. Even though, some young children have difficulties with language and communication development; they still deserve their rights to express their needs, to ask for help, to make requests, and to receive attention. Listening to young children is a crucial contribution that grants support of their perceptions and can be designed into matters of meaningful support. Language and communication skills cover two principal purposes: (a) receptive language, and (b) expressive language. Receptive language describes the capacity of understanding others’ communication and showing interactive responses in appropriate ways. Expressive language describes the capacity for expressing needs by encompassing words, gestures, or facial expressions (verbal or nonverbal communication skills). Young children who are receiving proper supports in early language and communication development are more likely to be successful in academic and social learning. Two areas are included when developing language and communication skills: (1) Providing effective communication techniques, and (2) Creating the process of facilitated communication. This paper highlights these two areas and how they provide direct instructions and techniques for developing young children with disabilities in language and communication skills thus promoting positive responses with others in the general classrooms.


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