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“ลูสพารตส์ หรือ Loose Parts” เป็นสื่อวัสดุสำหรับเล่นอิสระหรือรังสรรค์ผลงานศิลปะของเด็กปฐมวัย โดยมุ่งเสริมสร้างการคิดสร้างสรรค์ การคิดรวบยอด การคิดเชิงเหตุผล การคิดแก้ปัญหาและตัดสินใจ ซึ่งเด็กจะได้ใช้สื่อวัสดุจากท้องถิ่น เช่น กิ่งไม้ ต้นกก ลูกยางนา ทราย หรือเปลือกหอยอย่างสร้างสรรค์ พร้อมทั้งสนับสนุนการคิดที่ผสานการเรียนรู้สิ่งต่าง ๆ รอบตัว ผ่านการใช้ประสาทสัมผัสทั้ง 5 ด้าน และสามารถพัฒนาเด็กปฐมวัยแบบองค์รวม ทั้งด้านร่างกาย อารมณ์ – จิตใจ สังคม และสติปัญญา พร้อมทักษะในศตวรรษที่ 21 อันเป็นรากฐานสำคัญที่จะพัฒนาให้เด็กเป็นบุคคลที่คิดเป็น และพร้อมก้าวเข้าสู่สังคมแห่งการเรียนรู้
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บทความวิชาการ (Articles)

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Casey, T. & Robertson, J. (2019). Loose parts play: Atoolkit. Edinburgh: Inspiring Scotland.
Chaiyachok, A. (2019). Creative Use of Technology to Foster Young Children in the 21st Century. Journal of Education Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 47(4),
519-538. [in Thai]
Daly, L. & Beloglovsky, M. (2015). Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children. Minnesota: Redleaf Press.
Effectiveness in Early Childhood Cognitive Learning. Education and Humanities Research, 542, 47-52.
Eiumnoh, A & others. (2018). Textbooks for basic geography, grades 4-6. Bangkok: Aksorn Inspire company limited. [in Thai]
Farrugia, M. (2020). Young children’s mathematising during free play with loose parts. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for
Research in Mathematics Education. Utrech: Netherlands.
Flannigan, C. & Dietze, B. (2017). Ideas from practice: Children, outdoor play, and loose parts. Journal of childhood studies, 42(4), 53-60.
Gilman, S. (2018). The Arts, Loose parts and Conversations. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS), 16, 90-103.
Khayankij, S. & others. (2020). Loose parts: Teaching through creative instructional media and play. [Documents for training workshops online]. Bangkok:
Chulalongkorn University. [in Thai]
LEGO Foundation. (2018). Learning through play. New York: UNICEF.
LEGO Foundation. (2017). Learning through play: a review of the evidence. New York: UNICEF.
Lester, S. & Russell, W. (2008). Play for a change: Play, Policy and Practice – A review of contemporary perspective. London: National Children’s Bureau.
Lester, S. & Russell, W. (2010). Children’s right to play: An examination of the importance of play in the lives of children worldwide. The Netherland: Bernard van
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Ministry of Education. (2003). Early Childhood Curriculum B.E.2003. Bangkok: Agricultural cooperative printing demonstrations of Thai co., Ltd. [in Thai]
Ministry of Education. (2017). Early Childhood Curriculum B.E. 2017. Bangkok: Agricultural cooperative printing demonstrations of Thai co., Ltd. [in Thai]
Muntomimah, S. & Wijayanti, R. (2020). The Importance of STEAM Loose Part Learning Effectiveness in Early Childhood Cognitive Learning. Education and
Humanities Research, 542, 47-52.
Newfoundland Labrador. (2016). Play – Based Learning: Promoting a Common Understanding. from
https://www.gov.nl.ca/education/files/pdf_fdk_common_understandings_- document_eng_2016.pdf. (February, 12, 2021)
Office of the Education Council. (2017). The National Education Plan B.E. 2017-2036. Bangkok: Prigwhan Graphic company. [in Thai]
Office of the Education Council. (2019). National Standard for Early Childhood Care, Development and Education Thailand. Bangkok: Prigwhan Graphic company.
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Playwork Principles Scrutiny Group. (2005). Playwork Principles. Cradiff: Playwork Principles Scrutiny Group.
Pyle, A. & Danniels, E. (2017). A continuum of play-based learning: The role of the teacher in play - based pedagogy and the fear of hijacking play. Early Education
and Development, 28(3), 274– 289.
Rahardjo, M. M. (2019). How to use Loose – Parts in STEAM? Early Childhood Educators Focus Group discussion in Indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 13(2)
Ramani, G. B. & Brownell, C. A. (2014). Preschoolers’ cooperative problem solving: Integrating play and problem solving. Journal of Early Childhood Research,
12(1) 92-108.
Shabrina, E. & Lestariningrum, A. (2020). The role of loose parts play in Logical thinking skill in KB Lab school. Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education, 3(1)
Tinanon, N. (2000). Thai Folk Art. Bangkok: Srinakharinwirot University. [in Thai]
Weinberg, D.S. & others. (2016). Guided play: Principles and Practices. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25(3), 177-182.
White, R. (2012). The power of play: a research summary on play and learning. University of Minnesota. From
https://www.childrensmuseums.org/images/MCMResearchSummary.pdf. (February, 10, 2021)
Yogman, M. & others. (2018). The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children. Pediatrics, 142(3), 1-16.
Chaiyachok, A. (2019). Creative Use of Technology to Foster Young Children in the 21st Century. Journal of Education Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 47(4),
519-538. [in Thai]
Daly, L. & Beloglovsky, M. (2015). Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children. Minnesota: Redleaf Press.
Effectiveness in Early Childhood Cognitive Learning. Education and Humanities Research, 542, 47-52.
Eiumnoh, A & others. (2018). Textbooks for basic geography, grades 4-6. Bangkok: Aksorn Inspire company limited. [in Thai]
Farrugia, M. (2020). Young children’s mathematising during free play with loose parts. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for
Research in Mathematics Education. Utrech: Netherlands.
Flannigan, C. & Dietze, B. (2017). Ideas from practice: Children, outdoor play, and loose parts. Journal of childhood studies, 42(4), 53-60.
Gilman, S. (2018). The Arts, Loose parts and Conversations. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS), 16, 90-103.
Khayankij, S. & others. (2020). Loose parts: Teaching through creative instructional media and play. [Documents for training workshops online]. Bangkok:
Chulalongkorn University. [in Thai]
LEGO Foundation. (2018). Learning through play. New York: UNICEF.
LEGO Foundation. (2017). Learning through play: a review of the evidence. New York: UNICEF.
Lester, S. & Russell, W. (2008). Play for a change: Play, Policy and Practice – A review of contemporary perspective. London: National Children’s Bureau.
Lester, S. & Russell, W. (2010). Children’s right to play: An examination of the importance of play in the lives of children worldwide. The Netherland: Bernard van
Leer Foundation.
Ministry of Education. (2003). Early Childhood Curriculum B.E.2003. Bangkok: Agricultural cooperative printing demonstrations of Thai co., Ltd. [in Thai]
Ministry of Education. (2017). Early Childhood Curriculum B.E. 2017. Bangkok: Agricultural cooperative printing demonstrations of Thai co., Ltd. [in Thai]
Muntomimah, S. & Wijayanti, R. (2020). The Importance of STEAM Loose Part Learning Effectiveness in Early Childhood Cognitive Learning. Education and
Humanities Research, 542, 47-52.
Newfoundland Labrador. (2016). Play – Based Learning: Promoting a Common Understanding. from
https://www.gov.nl.ca/education/files/pdf_fdk_common_understandings_- document_eng_2016.pdf. (February, 12, 2021)
Office of the Education Council. (2017). The National Education Plan B.E. 2017-2036. Bangkok: Prigwhan Graphic company. [in Thai]
Office of the Education Council. (2019). National Standard for Early Childhood Care, Development and Education Thailand. Bangkok: Prigwhan Graphic company.
[in Thai]
Playwork Principles Scrutiny Group. (2005). Playwork Principles. Cradiff: Playwork Principles Scrutiny Group.
Pyle, A. & Danniels, E. (2017). A continuum of play-based learning: The role of the teacher in play - based pedagogy and the fear of hijacking play. Early Education
and Development, 28(3), 274– 289.
Rahardjo, M. M. (2019). How to use Loose – Parts in STEAM? Early Childhood Educators Focus Group discussion in Indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 13(2)
Ramani, G. B. & Brownell, C. A. (2014). Preschoolers’ cooperative problem solving: Integrating play and problem solving. Journal of Early Childhood Research,
12(1) 92-108.
Shabrina, E. & Lestariningrum, A. (2020). The role of loose parts play in Logical thinking skill in KB Lab school. Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education, 3(1)
Tinanon, N. (2000). Thai Folk Art. Bangkok: Srinakharinwirot University. [in Thai]
Weinberg, D.S. & others. (2016). Guided play: Principles and Practices. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25(3), 177-182.
White, R. (2012). The power of play: a research summary on play and learning. University of Minnesota. From
https://www.childrensmuseums.org/images/MCMResearchSummary.pdf. (February, 10, 2021)
Yogman, M. & others. (2018). The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children. Pediatrics, 142(3), 1-16.