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This research aimed to 1) estimate the total correlation matrix of factors associated with social emotional learning and 2) develop a suitable meta-analytic structural equation model describing these associations. The study employed the following methods: Firstly, a comprehensive search for research articles published between 2019 and 2023 was conducted using Google Scholar, Scopus, and ERIC, following the PICO principles, resulting in the retrieval of 1,380 research articles. Subsequently, a refined selection process based on PRISMA 2020 criteria yielded 9 research articles that met the inclusion criteria. Furthermore, publication bias was assessed, indicating that the effect size of social emotional learning was independent of sample size (t(27) = -0.0005, p = .996). Homogeneity was also tested. It revealed that the variance of the correlation matrix significantly deviated from zero (Q(28) = 3237.1329, p < .001), indicating high variability within the total correlation matrix. The key findings of this study included the identification of 5 factors through the analysis of the total correlation matrix. These factors encompassing social emotional learning consisted of school climate, teacher support, peer support, family support, and learning performance. Additionally, a comprehensive model comparison revealed that the best-fitting model highlighted indirect influences on social emotional learning. Specifically, social emotional learning was directly influenced by school climate, teacher support, peer support, and family support, and indirectly by school climate through the intermediary factor of teacher support.
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