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This research aimed to: 1) develop an administrative strategy for education sandbox schools; and 2) certify the administrative strategy for education sandbox schools. This research employed mixed-methods. The study was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 involved the development of administrative strategy for education sandbox schools. The informants consisted of 8 school administrators, educational administrators, educational administration experts, and educational innovation experts, obtained from purposive selection based on the set criteria. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form and analyzed by content analysis. The research sample consisted of 300 educational sandbox schools, derived by proportional stratified random sampling distributed by educational sandbox area. The informants for the questionnaire consisted of school administrators, teachers responsible for the project, and teachers, totaling 900 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire and were analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and modified priority needs index. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were analyzed based on 2S4M model, PESTLE model, and TOWS matrix. Phase 2 involved the certification of administrative strategies for education sandbox schools. The informants consisted of 10 school administrators, education administrators, supervisors, and experts in education sandbox school administration, obtained from purposive selection based on the set criteria. Data were collected by a connoisseurship seminar and were analyzed by content analysis. The developed strategy was implemented in one school, purposively selected based on the set criteria. The informants consisted of the school administrators, teachers, school committee representatives, community leader representatives, religious leader representatives, and guardian representatives, totaling 25 persons. Data were collected through reflection meetings and analyzed using content analysis.
The research results showed that:
- The administrative strategy for education sandbox schools consisted of 5 main strategies: 1) developing an academic management model that is dynamically consistent with the identity of social and cultural conditions; 2) strengthening academic management cooperation with communities and network partners; 3) adjusting the school’s academic administration structure in line with technology; 4) accelerating personnel development in accordance with changing economic conditions in the digital age; and 5) adapting the personnel administration system by using technology to support operations.
- The administrative strategy for education sandbox schools was approved by consensus that it was accurate, appropriate, feasible for practice, and beneficial.
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