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The mixed methods research aimed to: 1) investigate knowledge, attitude, and consumption of wild edible plants; and 2) predict factors affecting people’s consumption of wild edible plants. The sample of this research was 303 households and 16 stakeholders in the area of Saluang-Keelek community, Mae Rim District, Chiangmai Province. Data were collected by questionnaires, non - structured interviews, and a focus group. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and content analysis. The results showed that the knowledge of the people was at a good level (80.3 %), and the attitude was at a moderate level (Mean = 3.47 ± 0.34). The wild edible plant consumption was at a low level (Mean = 2.23 ± 0.63). Moreover, it was found that the significantly influenced factors of the wild edible plant consumption were participation in community activities (Beta = .275, p = .000) and attitudes toward the wild food plants (Beta = .375, p =.000). In conclusion, people in the area suggested factors supporting wild edible plant consumption by developing activities for the conservation of cultural ecology according to community rule and criteria, and complying relevant local wisdom knowledge.
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