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พรรณปพร ลีวิโรจน์ Panpaporn Leeviroj
ทัศนีย์ นิลสูงเนิน Tussanee Nilsoongnoen


This survey research was aimed to study: 1) the personal information of substance abuse students in Samut Prakan Province; 2) the level of emotional intelligence of substance abuse students in Samut Prakan Province; and 3) the relationship between the emotional intelligence of substance abuse students in Samut Prakan Province and personal information. The sample consisted of 198 students obtained by multistage sampling. The instruments used in this study were 1) a personal data questionnaire and 2) an emotional intelligence test. The frequency, percentage, standard deviation and Chi-Square test were used for data analysis.

The results of the study revealed that 1) the substance abuse students were more males than females. They lived with their parents and were the first of two siblings whose father or mother used addictive substances, i.e., marijuana, cigarettes, and alcohol. They grew up with authoritarian parenting style. The addictive substances used were cigarettes, beer, liquor, marijuana, and Kratom. The reasons for substance abuse were experimenting, persuading by friends, and using it for stress relief. 2) The emotional intelligence of substance abuse students was at a low level. 3) The emotional intelligence was related to sex, education level, residence, number of siblings, family members who used addictive substances, type of addictive substances used, and parenting style with a statistically significant level of .05. The birth order and free-time activities were not correlated with emotional intelligence.

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