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จริยาภรณ์ โกสโลดม Jariyaporn Kosalodom
ชิณโสณ์ วิสิฐนิธิกิจา Chinnaso Visitnitikija


The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the marketing mix factors of freshly squeezed orange juice; 2) investigate consumer behavior of freshly squeezed orange juice; 3) compare the consumer behavior of freshly squeezed orange juice classified by personal data; and 4) study the marketing mix factors influencing the consumer behavior of freshly squeezed orange juice. The sample of 400 customers was selected using purposive sampling. Questionnaires were used as a study tool. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, chi-square, one–way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this research indicated as follows: 1) Overall and in specific aspects, the marketing mix factor of freshly squeezed orange juice consumption was at a high level. 2) Most of the consumers selected freshly squeezed orange juice because of the taste. The consumers mostly purchased freshly squeezed orange juice at the convenience/department stores. The cost of each purchase was less than or equal to 50 baht, and the quantity or size of purchase was 150 cc. The consumers made purchasing decisions by themselves. The time for drinking freshly squeezed orange juice was in the afternoon (12.01-15.00). The average purchase was twice a week and three bottles per time. 3) The consumers with differences in gender had different behavior in person influencing purchasing decisions and purchase time. Those with differences in ages had different behavior in reason of purchase, place of purchase, and drinking time. The consumers with differences in occupation had different behavior in place of purchase, quantity or size of purchase, and drinking time. Moreover, the consumers with differences in education had different behavior in reason of purchase and quantity or size of purchase; while those with differences in monthly income had different behavior in place of purchase and cost of each purchase. 4) The marketing mix factors of distribution (X3) significantly influenced the consumption behavior of freshly squeezed orange juice in purchase frequency per week (Y) at the .05 level.

The forecasting equation in raw scores was Y = .076 + .269X3.

The forecasting equation in standard form was Z = .151X3.

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Research Article


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