The Influencing Factors Affect Consumer Purchase Behaviour Toward Tilapia in Phayao Province


  • kittisak srepirote School of Business Management and Communication Arts, University of Phayao
  • Kamolpong Ratanasanguanvongs School of Business Management and Communication Arts, University of Phayao


marketing mix, perception, trust, buying decision, Tilapia


                  The research aims to 1) study the path analysis of the marketing factors that affect consumers’ purchase decision toward Tilapia in Phayao Province and 2) promote consumption and awareness of Tilapia in Phayao Province. An explanatory sequential design is conducted in this research. Stage 1: quantitative research to exam the relationship between marketing mix, trust, perception and buying decision of Tilapia in Phayao Province, where the studied factors are developed from the results of previous literatures. Primary data are collected using online questionnaires. The sample are randomised, using a convenient sampling method without the exact population. The completed questionnaires are collected at 413 set. Data set is examined by structural equation modeling, the analysis results show that the model presents a Goodness-of-fit model with measured values (c2/df = 3.36, CFI = 0.87, TLI = 0.85, RMSEA = 0.07), where meet an acceptable requirement of literature. The results of path analysis revealed that 1) marketing mix has a positive direct influence on trust, 2) perception has a positive direct influence on trust, and 3) marketing mix and perception are positive indirect influences on buying decision with trust as mediated factors. Stage 2: qualitative research, the analysis results are employed to support the results of quantitative research. Data are collected by semi-structure interview method. In addition to data analysis, there are analysed by thematic analysis method. The respondents of research are Tilapia consumers in Phayao province, namely, restaurant entrepreneurs, fishmongers, and general public at 63 people. The result presents that factors influencing the consumption behaviour of tilapia are marketing mix, perception, trust, and buying decision. The implications for literature suggest that marketing mix and perception are positive influence on trust and buying decision. The implications for practice advise the guidelines for development of marketing strategies to promote consumption of Tilapia in Phayao province, for instance, development of a quality production process for Tilapia, branding for Phayao Tilapia, creation of identity for Phayao tilapia, organising activities to promote the consumption of Tilapia, sustainable income generation, and promoting tourism to Phayao Province.


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How to Cite

srepirote, kittisak, & Ratanasanguanvongs, K. (2024). The Influencing Factors Affect Consumer Purchase Behaviour Toward Tilapia in Phayao Province . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(1), 26–44. retrieved from



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