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The objectives of this study were: 1) to study tourist attraction management components at Ban Koh Klang, Muang District, Krabi Province. 2) to assess the level of participation in the Ban Koh Klang community in Muang District, Krabi Province. 3) to study the guidelines for developing and managing community tourist attractions with the participation of Ban Koh Klang Community, Muang District, Krabi Province. This research was quantitative mixed-method research and qualitative research. Used a questionnaire to collect data from a sample of 340 people. The interview was conducted with ten respondents related to the tourism management of the Ban Koh Klang community. The statistics used for analysis were frequency distribution, percentage value, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation. The research results are as follows: It was found that most questionnaire respondents were female, 183 people. They were mostly aged between 20 and 40 years old. From the analysis of the study of tourism attraction management in Ban Koh Klang community, Mueang District, Krabi Province, as follows: 1) improve access to tourist attractions by focusing on transportation, public relations, and essential utilities. 2) Accommodation development for tourists by asking for budget support from the government and private sector to meet the standard of accommodation following Thai homestay standards. 3) tourist attractions to support tourists by studying work in a community tourist attraction that has a similar context to the Ban Koh Klang community, which is a Muslim way of life and cultural tourism 4) The development of tourism activities: There are creative and interesting activities, including making various products 5) all miscellaneous services provided to tourists, and 6) the development of community readiness and understanding by cooperating with the network of educational institutions in the area. The level of participation of the Ban Koh Klang community, Muang district, Krabi province, was at the highest level (=4.65). The community-based tourism attraction management was related to the participation of the Ban Koh Klang community, Muang district, Krabi province. At the .05 level, there are significant guidelines on the development and management of community tourist attractions with community participation, such as the establishment of a tourism community enterprise and visiting community attractions that have a context close to the Ban Koh Klang community, which is a way of life and tourism, Muslim culture. There are interesting activities related to making various products. Moreover, cooperate with the network of educational institutions in the area.
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