The Social and Cultural Change of Wangman Community, Chainat Province

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Somkhane Plaengritt
Phakatorn Chanrittisan
Sukanda Sarnnoi
Orawan Chueanoi
Pattanan Rattanavorasawet
Supunnee Pladsrichuay
Waeorawee Larpkern
Thamaporn Phumpij


This present study was conducted with two major objectives: first, to explore the local history of the Wangman community, and second, to study social and cultural change of the Wangman community. The qualitative research methodology guided this community participatory research, which involved voluntary participants.  It also included a community participatory meeting to formulate the research questions and derive qualitative data. In addition, documentary research was conducted to analyze the content-based data. The findings revealed that Wangman community used to be a community of Lao Krang who migrated into this area since the early Ratanakosin era.  Back then, people in this community lived their lives following Lao Krang culture and beliefs. They later expanded the community by marrying Thai, Chinese, and other Lao clans in the area; therefore, the community’s population grew. However, the community was later affected by drought, which could be a result of deforestation for charcoal production over the past 40 years.  This resulted in major agricultural difficulties. People in Wangman then moved out of the community to seek better living in other areas. These movements suggested the possibility of sociocultural transformations. Furthermore, the younger generations of Wangman locals appeared to be discouraged from preserving their identity and originality of Lao Krang heritage.  Drought and lack of water for agriculture were identified as the primary causes of problems and transformation, leading to outmigration and a transformation of the community in terms of sociocultural aspects such as life style, traditions, occupations, and values.  It could also be observed that there had been changes in the way local wisdom was applied, resulting in degradation of Lao Krang identity.

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How to Cite
Plaengritt, S. ., Chanrittisan, P., Sarnnoi, S., Chueanoi, O., Rattanavorasawet, P., Pladsrichuay, S., Larpkern, W. ., & Phumpij, T. (2024). The Social and Cultural Change of Wangman Community, Chainat Province. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 6(2), 103–117. Retrieved from
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