Learning management guidelines to encourage morality and ethics based on The 5 Threefold Training Model of the 5th- Grade Students at Wat Dan Chang
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The purpose of this article was to study the current condition of learning management to promote morality based on the 5 Threefold Training Model (aware, manage, implement, maintain, apply) of 5th- grade students, Wat Dan Chang. The target population were 140 students in the fifth grade at Wat Dan Chang School, Suphanburi, 10 teachers, 3 school administrators, and 2 expert teachers. The instruments used were a questionnaire, observation and an interview. The data was statistically analyzed by arithmetic average () and standard deviation (S.D.). The results showed that the overall current condition of learning management to encourage morality following the 5 Threefold Training Model of 5th-grade students at Wat Dan Chang School was at a high level. Organizing activities through a practical training was the highest, while the information of the students’ behavior was moderate, and the knowledge was the highest. Regarding the learning management guidelines to encourage moral ethics by the 5 Threefold Training Model, it is suggested that the school conduct a meeting to build a common understanding of the learning management guidelines to encourage ethics among the students and the teachers in the school. Then the school should create project activities to promote the moral and ethics of the students in each aspect, with the teachers as the leaders responsible for implementing those activities concretely, related to the 5 Threefold Training Model. Afterward, these activities require monitoring and evaluation to ensure that guidelines are refined or enhanced for increased effectiveness.
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