The Development of a Post-Class Instructional Package of Unit 3, Hand and Machine Seaminess of Foundation Sewing Course for Second Year Vocational Certificate Students

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Chaiwat Sumsap
Chayarat Boonputtikorn


The purpose of this research was to develop a series of refresher lessons on unit 3 Sewing seams by hand and machine after the students had completed the basic sewing course and to appraise academic achievement and student satisfaction. The population used in this study was a total 21 sophomore vocational students, who studied in the first semester, academic year 2023, Nakhon Sawan Vocational Education College, Nakhon Sawan Province. The research instrument consisted of 1) instruction kit on Unit 3 Sewing seams by hand and machine as a part of the basic sewing course, 2) practice sets 3) pre-test and post-test questions, 4) observation form showing working skills in sewing seams by hand and machine 5) satisfaction questionnaire, of which the data was analyzed by using statistics; namely, probability, SD and t test. The results showed that 1) the basic sewing instruction kit unit 3 sewing seams by hand and machine was effective as shown in the value of 80.30/82.14; 2) the academic achievement of the learners after learning was statistically significant, which was higher than the level of .05; 3) the student satisfaction with the basic sewing instruction set Unit 3 Sewing seams by hand and machine was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Sumsap, C., & Boonputtikorn, C. (2024). The Development of a Post-Class Instructional Package of Unit 3, Hand and Machine Seaminess of Foundation Sewing Course for Second Year Vocational Certificate Students. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 6(1), 84–91. Retrieved from
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