Change in the Functions of Chinese Shrines in Inner Bangkok

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Thamaporn Phumpij
Punnee Bualek


This dissertation aimed to examine the significance and functions of Chinese shrines in inner Bangkok, and to study the changes and factors involved with the transformation of functions of the Chinese shrines in inner Bangkok area that affect the significance and functions of the shrines. Purposive selection was employed in this study to specify the area of study and derive the sampling of 28 shrines including 13 Teochew shrines, 5 Fujian shrines, 5 Hakka shrines, 1 Cantonese shrine, 1 Hainanese shrine, and 3 shrines of unidentified ethnic group. The data collection and analysis of this interdisciplinary research employed a series of documentary research, interviews, and field study in order to analyze historical, sociological and anthropological data throughout three major phases of analysis. The results revealed that 1) the significance and functions of Chinese shrines had changed through 3 phases as follows: the period of centralization Chinese heritage (early Rattanakosin until 1900s), the period of identity preservation of Chinese rites (1910s – 1970s), and the period of centralization for preserving Chinese identity and for tourism purposes (1980s until present). 2) The changes and factors involved with the transformation could be based on internal and external circumstances, especially the changes in China and Thailand. The shift in Thai state policy related to Chinese and mobility within the Chinese community was also considered as involved factors. The Chinese shrines were considered as the area of Chinese identity expressing faith and bond within Chinese community. The state of Chinese shrines could also reflect scenario of Chinese community throughout the periods of time. Based on this present study, the following recommendation could be raised. Since shrines could be considered charity places, they require supports from both patrons and government. Therefore, the government should implement the policy to promote the shrines in order to maintain their functions in relation to social and economy matters.

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How to Cite
Phumpij, T., & Bualek, P. (2023). Change in the Functions of Chinese Shrines in Inner Bangkok. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 5(1), 41–54. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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