The walking assist device design for seniors in Ban Du Subdistrict Mueang Chinag Rai District Chiang Rai province

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วิบูลพร วุฒิคุณ


The objectives of walking assist device design for seniors in Ban Du Subdistrict Mueang Chinag Rai District Chiang Rai province were 1) To study and collect information about the physical health of the senior and the walking assist device including the proper use of the senior’s walking assist device 2) To study the problems and demands including the behavior of using the senior's walking assist device in Ban Du Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province 3) to design the senior's walking assist device in Ban Du Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province with steps and methods for conducting studies in the form of qualitative research and quantitative researches to search patterns or directions. From observing the behavior of using the senior's walking assist device and interviewing the 20 specific seniors who used the senior's walking assist device in Ban Du was found that The number of seniors who used the walking assist device was female more than males calculated as 80 percent and the remaining was males with 60-69 years old for 25 percent, 70-79 years old for 70 and 80-89 years old for 5 percent. Regarding the walking assist device, there was a problem that was not related to each physique due to Ban Du Subdistrict had many different physiological differences such as overweight people, they are not able to use the walking assist device because the other available brands in the market are standardized which cannot be adjusted to the width that is suitable for each body. The results of the walking assist device design for seniors in Ban Du Subdistrict Mueang Chinag Rai District Chiang Rai province revealed that prioritized on functional use and maximum comfort for seniors and the most important is stable and safe. The walking assist device design for seniors in Ban Du Subdistrict Mueang Chinag Rai District Chiang Rai province was experimented and found that the results of the analysis of the satisfaction data in all aspects were the highest mean ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.89, SD = 0.27). The survey of 20 respondents revealed that the satisfaction of using the walking assist device was at the highest level of satisfaction which can be concluded that this design can help make the senior's life easier, more convenient, safe and reduce the burden of caregivers.

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How to Cite
วุฒิคุณ ว. (2020). The walking assist device design for seniors in Ban Du Subdistrict Mueang Chinag Rai District Chiang Rai province. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 2(1), 54–66. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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