Students’ Achievement and Satisfaction in Using English Pronunciation Instruction Media: A Study among First - Year English Major Students at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
English pronunciation instructional media, English practical phonetics student’s achievement, and student’s satisfaction, Thai learners of EnglishAbstract
This study has two primary objectives namely to evaluate students’ academic performance both pre and post use of English Pronunciation Instructional Media as well as to measure the satisfaction levels of first-year English major students at Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus, from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Education, concerning the utilisation of English Pronunciation Instructional Media. 23 participants were selected purposively as the sample of this study. The research employed three key components: 1) English Pronunciation Instructional Media, 2) Pre and Post-test assessments, and 3) student’s satisfaction questionnaire. In this research, statistical analyses, including the examination of mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test, were conducted. The research findings revealed several significant outcomes. Firstly, there was a notable increase in students’ academic achievement after the implementation of English Pronunciation Instructional Media (t = 2.083, p<0.05). Secondly, students expressed high satisfaction levels towards the use of English Pronunciation Instructional Media, with average scores indicating substantial benefits (x̄ = 4.70), application of acquired knowledge in daily life (x̄ = 4.83), and a positive attitude towards English (x̄ = 5.0), reaching the highest level of satisfaction. Thirdly, the study explored expert recommendations in developing instructional materials for English phonetic pronunciation. The experts suggested that effective instructional media should incorporate diverse formats to enhance student engagement, emphasising on the importance of clear guidelines and formats to improve teaching and learning efficiency. Additionally, the experts endorsed the creation of instructional media in the form of an electronic book (e-virtual book).
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