
  • จุฑาธิปต์ จันทร์เอียด คณะวัฒนธรรมสิ่งแวดล้อมและการท่องเที่ยวเชิงนิเวศ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ


Up to the present, travellers’ behaviors have changed. They prefer to participate in tourism activities more profoundly, together with the problems of tourism resource management that is limited. This condition, however, leads to creative tourism, allowing travellers and local people to participate in setting tourism together with sustainability.

The purpose of this article is to study the concepts and theories of creative tourism, to understand the concepts and theories as to designing, and to have these concepts merged and developed with consistency through ongoing tourism activities in the topic of “Travelling and sketching with exuberance”, which is under the selling points concerning values of the policy of Tourism Authority of Thailand in the way bound to the north, under the themes of 3 activities above the inspiration. The author went on the tourism location together with sketching the pictures of 3 routes while presenting the new concepts and theories called Sketching Tourism, meaning travelling that allows the travellers to do many activities at the tourism location closely by sketching the pictures. The travellers would have pictures drawn and sketched in any certain events and circumstances in which they came across while travelling so that they could account for where they had visited in many places as also to help other travellers and the hosts tie good relationship again. This also leads to profoundly understanding the cultures in the tourism location as well as to impressing and memorizing and also understanding in those tourism attractions very well. This sketching tourism also helps promote the integration in developing tourism activities and artworks. Any impressive moments during travelling would help create valuable, pass down and compose accounting stories through sketching pictures, which contributes to economy in travel industry after having those sketching pictures present in the public online in order to introduce any interesting tourism attractions. Moreover, these paintings would help to increase the values from selling as well as to give sentimental values to those travellers unforgettably.



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How to Cite

จันทร์เอียด จ. (2018). SKETCHING TOURISM : NEW DIMENSION OF CREATIVE TOURISM. วารสารสถาบันวัฒนธรรมและศิลปะ, 20(1), 137–145. สืบค้น จาก