A Preliminary Study of the Mural paintings of Wat Ta Mon for Conservation Planning
Wat Tamon Murals, Wood Panels Murals, Inscriptions, Perservation, History of Lanna, Aesthetics, Present Day Conditions, Wooden Architecture, Pigment Chemical CompositionAbstract
The wooden-board murals of Wat Ta Mon are pigment paintings from the early 19th century, currently preserved at Mae Fah Luang Art and Culture Center, Chiang Rai. These murals, also known as Wiangta murals, are named after the original temple in Wiangta, Prae Province. The murals were created during the peak of the economic expansion by a British timber company in the local area. As part of future conservation planning, this research aims to apply multiple methods to analyze and clarify the fundamental points of the mural’s existing conditions. This research project was initiated in March 2019 and had several surveys conducted by experts from various fields. The concluded results can be classified into seven categories. Firstly, the present conditions of the murals and wooden panels are recorded digitally for future reference. The photographs in situ show some deterioration in both the wooden panels and murals; compared to images taken 30 years ago, parts of the mural’s colors have visibly faded. Secondly, the murals and temple construction have historical significance to the surrounding community’s abundant teak and timber industry of that time. Over 200 short texts written over the murals reveal people’s beliefs and language altering through time. Thirdly, the study of art history suggests the murals’ relationship with a group of painters from Nan Province, depicting similar art styles, expression, color, and two Jatakas narratives (Buddhist Tales) popular in the same period. Fourthly, the study of aesthetic characteristics shows that the murals’ features excel in art composition, colors, form, and figurative movements. Fifthly, the study of architectural history reveals that the building in which the wooden panels once resided is of a Thai Yai style Viharn (Buddha Hall) constructed from teak wood. Sixthly, the study on conditions reveals that the current environment is suitable for preservation but shows weak points that need immediate care to prevent future degradation. Seventhly, the study of pigment chemical composition reveals two primary pigments: Natural pigments, such as Kaolin, and Chemical pigments, such as ultramarine blue.
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