Transferring the Formlessness of Digital Stream to Tangibility in Visual Arts


  • Dr.Wuttin Chansataboot ภาควิชาทัศนศิลป์ คณะวิจิตรศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่



Digital Art , New Media, History of Digital Art


Since the emergence of digital media in the mid-twentieth century, this particular technological breakthrough has been continuously developed along with other innovations in different periods. Furthermore, the invention of the internet remarkably accelerated the evolution of digital media. At the present time, it might be true to say that digital media has inextricably linked to our daily life, since it plays significant role in numerous activities in various aspects. Contemporary art is certainly another realm where digital technology has a crucial impact on the improvement of artistic methodology and creative process. Interestingly, although it has no concrete appearance that could be sensed physically, digital media has been extensively used to create a diverse range of visual art projects by many artists.


This article aims to present the versatility of digital media in artistic field through the study of the digital art history during the period between the late 1940s and the twentieth century. Moreover, this paper chronologically presents the role of digital technology in creative field in different situations through the production process and the analysis of my oeuvres created between the years 2017 and 2020 when I utilized binary numeral system and unique characteristics of digital media as fundamental of the creative process. My practice during that period encompassed some experiments with alternative digital tools in different circumstances and times which includes the global spread of COVID-19 when digital media and the collaboration among individuals in different regions transcended the limits of time and space.





How to Cite

Chansataboot, W. . (2022). Transferring the Formlessness of Digital Stream to Tangibility in Visual Arts. Silpa Bhirasri (Journal of fine arts), 10(1), 115–179.