Weaving and Basketry in Contemporary art


  • Wichian Meenim คณะศิลปวิจิตร สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนศิลป์




weaving, wickerwork, fibre, scent, natural material


Traditionally, weaving and basketry were techniques for handicraft and belonged to the realm of everyday life and everyday objects. In contemporary art world the techniques are quite unique for possibly subtle meaning expression. This study aimed to explore the works of renowned artists whom weaving and basketry had revealed a deeply connection to the present day situations. The methods employed here are to study the technique and its expression potential together with a connotation reading of art form. The study found that both techniques could employ a wide range of materials. From a man made fibre and fabric to the natural materials such as tree twigs or wickers. Both materials and techniques are suitable in creating biomorphic forms that connoted environmental issues such as global warming. Enlarging enough, the space created by the techniques and materials could be immerse by viewers. One of the artists studied here called her work as “Woven Space” which is a clearly definition. Beside only seeing, the viewers are also encouraged to feel the scent, texture and the others.




How to Cite

Meenim, W. . (2020). Weaving and Basketry in Contemporary art. Silpa Bhirasri (Journal of fine arts), 7(2), 51–64. https://doi.org/10.69598/sbjfa238120