The Concept and style that representation of art to the society of Thawee Ratchaneekorn


  • Pakawanis Sangsiriwattana Master of Fine Arts (Art Theory), Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University



Thawee Ratchaneekorn, Representation of Art to the Society


The particular article focuses on the study of the artist Thawee Ratchaneekorn's artworks are divided into 7 periods following: 1) Period of Silpakorn University student
since B.E. 2501-2504 2) The Vietnam War era 3) The letter era 6 October B.E. 2519 4) The mixed media, sculpture in the decade of B.E. 2530 5) The technical era mixed on the papers, the palm leaves B.E. 2542-2546 6) Period of social and political painting in the decade of B.E. 2540 7) Period of humanity and Thai society in the decade of B.E. 2550-2559. The study indicated that:

  1. Conceptual backgrounds of the artworks can classified into 5 subjects: 1) The artworks inspired by the nature and environment 2) The artworks inspired by way of life 3) The artworks inspired by Vietnam War 4) The artworks inspired by Thai political and 5) The artworks inspired by Thai society
  2. Style, technique and process of Thawee Ratchaneekorn’s artworks are produced: 1) Realism painting 2) Semi-Abstract painting 3) Expressionism painting and 4) Mixed media.
  3. Representation of the artworks to the society are classified into 3 issues: 1) Life perspective and natural awareness 2) social issues with material prosperity career of women and 3) political issues, economy and social issues.



How to Cite

Sangsiriwattana, P. (2019). The Concept and style that representation of art to the society of Thawee Ratchaneekorn. Silpa Bhirasri (Journal of fine arts), 7(1), 191–208.