Development of Infographic Prototypes Communication Enabling Tele-Rehabilitation During Covid-19 Pandemic
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This research aimed to: 1) design and create infographic workpieces based on health communication theory, and 2) study satisfaction toward contents, design, and practices in general people and physical therapists.
This study designed six prototypes in two aspects, i.e., exercise for rehabilitation after COVID-19 infection and dyspnea management based on health communication theory, i.e., health belief model (HBM), social cognitive (SC), and theory of planned behavior (TPB). After the prototypes had been designed, they were brought for the survey on satisfaction in general people and physical therapists, five persons per each group. It was found that regarding exercise for rehabilitation after COVID-19 infection, both groups were most satisfied with contents and practices in the workpieces based on HBM. For design, both group were most satisfied with the workpieces based on HBM. For dyspnea management, it was found that general people were equally satisfied with contents and design in the workpieces based on HBM and SC. They were most satisfied with practices in the workpieces based on TBP. Physical therapists were most satisfied with contents, design, and practices in the workpieces based on HBM.
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