The News Value and the Construction of Reality of the News of the Death of a Famous Celebrity on a Facebook Fan page: a Case Study of Pattaratida Patcharaveerapong (Tangmo)

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กฤษณะ แสงจันทร์
เสริมศิริ นิลดํา


News value is a principle used to consider in selecting and presenting newsworthy events. In constructing the reality of events that deserve to be news, it is also found that certain news value principles are used. This research aimed to study strategies for constructing news content based on news values and the encoding and decoding resulting from the construction of reality through news content in the case of Pattaratida Patcharaveerapong (Tangmo). Text analysis is used to analyze 2 Facebook fan pages, namely The Reporter fan page and the Ejan fan page. Which presents from Tangmo drowning on February 24, 2022, until the police report on April 26, 2022.

The results showed that news content has been created from important news values, namely Suspense, Oddity or Unusualness, Conflict, and Emotion by decoding the recipient. It was found that all three forms of decoding were (1) decoding with the same standpoint as the messenger, found in the issue of monitoring the situation, (2) decoding with a stand that negotiates a new meaning founded insuspense issues, and (3) in decoding against the meaning of the messenger's code, found in the issue where the recipient can find the truth in that matter.

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