Business Model of Beauty Products in the Digital Era Under Good Governance

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ศิริพร วณามี
บุหงา ชัยสุวรรณ


The research aimed to 1) study the external conditions of beauty-product businesses in the digital era, 2) examine the ethics of beauty-product businesses in the digital era, and 3) develop a model for beauty-product businesses in the digital era under good governance. 

The study is qualitative research, conducted by documentary analysis, i.e., documents, websites from information sources, and key entrepreneurs’ websites; and in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs of beauty-product businesses in the digital era, dealers of beauty-product businesses in the digital era, and experts in the beauty business in the digital era and marketing communication.

The findings showed that after the decline of the image of online beauty-product businesses in 2018 causing no trust in the businesses and product quality, and the pandemic of Covid-19 crisis, there were beauty-product businesses with one of the four business models that can still be operated up to now: 1) branding orientation, 2) distribution orientation, 3) distribution through the dealership orientation and 4) investment orientation. All of these models are connected and interdependent, while entrepreneurs can adjust their model by their facing business conditions. Codes of ethics in business operations are latent strategies in each component of all four business models since they are crucial factors enabling businesses to survive and transcend changes in external business conditions. 

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