Predicting Factors of Impulsive Buying and Electronic Word of Mouth of Instagram Commerce
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) study perceptions of information credibility, information quality, influencers, forms of Instagram Commerce content, impulsive buying behavior, and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM); 2) review the relationship between perceptions of information credibility, information quality, influencers, forms of Instagram Commerce content influencing impulsive buying behavior and eWOM; and 3) study factors that can together predict impulsive buying and electronic word-of-mouth.
The findings revealed that information credibility is both a factor influencing impulsive buying behavior and electronic word-of-mouth communications and a predictor of consumer behavior. Consumers believe that information about stores/brands is reliable, trustworthy, and not overstated.
In terms of consumer behavior, it was discovered that consumers have impulsive buying and electronic word-of-mouth behavior on Instagram Commerce. According to the study, Instagram shopping has the greatest impact on impulsive buying and electronic word of mouth.
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