Symbolic Interaction and Collective Identity Formation in the Street Photo Thailand Group
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the symbols and meanings used by Street Photo Thailand group members to interact with each other through the public group (Facebook Group) under a Facebook fan page, and 2) to study the creation of collective identities among members of the public group of Street Photo Thailand. This research used a qualitative research methodology. The data were analyzed and collected using content analysis and in-depth interviews. The Key Informants were divided into two groups: six artists and photographers who are admins and six general members, and nonparticipating- in- group observers from public groups and the official events organized by the Street Photo Thailand group, such as the Photo Walk, Snap x Fun on 16-17 November 2019 and the Bangkok Street Photography Festival 2020 exhibition on 21-23 February 2020. The results revealed that: 1) The result found the symbolic interaction that the members mutually negotiate the meaning of a “Street Photography” The members negotiate and exchange the symbolic meaning by presenting the street photography meaning from their experience learned and the understanding from the past. If the meaning interpretation is not accepted, the group members begin to communicate to discuss with other members. They additionally learn the other members shooting styles to share the shooting techniques with the rest of the group members to create the group acceptance of the street photography. Because the general members can post their photos on the group, the posts have to be filtered by admins, the person who approves the posting publicity in the public group. In addition, the results found a symbolic interaction in which members create the meaning and use on the public group is “ SPT” ( the abbreviation of the group name) . The admins also used the word “ Approved” ( Thai or English) for commenting under the post to show their approvals. 2) Collective identity mutually created by admins and general members derived from the perception of identity both from communication within the mind of a person defining oneself as a street photography enthusiast and from the imaginations perspectives of the outsiders on street photographers. Thus, the perception of identity affects the creation of a collective identity expressed through the desire to create a positive image of the street photographers by providing knowledge of street photography and a passion for street photography as a type of photographic art. In addition, there is the creation of rules for posting photos. The admins intensively select and chose to post the quality images of the general members to 'represent' the image of the group and the values that the members have mutually created expressing in the form of a group of people who love the same photography type which is street photography. Their desires were to push the street photography industry into a trend that people are more interested in and to let the group be known as a center for education and as a display area for street photography art in Thailand.
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