The Study Digital Technology’s Perception and Ability Level of Elderly in Bangkok

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Korakot Sanjit


The objective of this research is to study the level of elderly’s ability in digital media technology usage in Bangkok. The main purposes are 1) To study the knowledge of elderly’s digital technology usage, 2) To study the ability of elderly’s digital technology usage and 3) To compare the differences in the demographic characteristics of the elderly and their knowledge and ability to use digital media technology. 4) To study  the relationship between the knowledge and the ability of digital technology usage of elderly in Bangkok.

The process of data collections was collected from the elderly who are living in Bangkok area by multistage sampling research technique. The statistical research techniques that were used in this research are; Frequency, Average rate, Percentage, Median, Standard Deviation, T -Test, One – Way ANOVA and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

            The main findings of this research can be pointed that; The average knowledge and ability scores of equipment and technical usage on smart phones or tablets are considered to be at the primary level is at 0.92, at the secondary level at 0.70 and at the highest level a 0.79.

The average knowledge and ability scores of internet surfing and application usage on smart phones or tablets are considered to be at the primary level is at 0.79, at the secondary level is at 0.66 and at the highest level is at 0.57.

            The primary level of the device and its function usage is at 2.77, the secondary level is at 2.31, the highest level is at 2.21. The primary level of the ability of internet connectivity is at 2.21, the secondary level is at 2.13 and at the highest level is at 1.75.

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