Study of Benefits and Satisfaction of Using Dating Applications on Mobile Phone of Gay

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วรยุทธ พายพายุห์
พัชนี เชยจรรยา


This study aimed to study of benefits and satisfaction of using dating applications on mobile phone of gay.  Also Include factors using dating applications on mobile phone. And study the expectations of using the dating application of content theme of the gay group. Selected a purposive sampling, based on the selection criteria of 10 gays. By selecting key informants from used real applications, between 20 - 35 years old and more than 2 hours of use per day. Most of them work as employees, students, and freelancers.

            This research use qualitative research methodology, the researcher has reviewed the theories including the knowledge to use for describing phenomena, data analysis, and guidelines for creating theoretical frameworks and research frameworks for study of benefits and satisfaction of using dating applications on mobile phone of gay such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Need, Self-disclosure theory, Theories of Motivation, Uses-and-gratification, Expectancy Theory, Information about the dating application of gay, And related research.

            The research found that, The key informant has no other expectation from the dating app to offer beyond the current service. This is the answer to the needs of the full because it is the only basic media that makes gay groups known only. When you know each other, they will exchange media as the main media. There are two factors, the internal factors related to the person and the external factors related to the application. The motivation for using the dating app is because there is an open space for gay freedom. Do not worry about the lack of understanding of the society that is not open, and there is talk area with same sex. Have activities together. The members' features are selected from the image by looking at the external image first. The benefit and satisfaction of using the dating app is to getting to know friend or find sex, relationship, love, and facility. It's very satisfying to applications with more than just a communication channel.

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