Lifestyle, Media Exposure of Vlog, Credibility and Tourism Decision Making of Vlog Audience

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ธนพร ทองแดง
พัชนี เชยจรรยา


The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) To study the relationship between lifestyle, media exposure of vlog, credibility and tourism decision making of vlog audience. (2) To identify factors affecting tourism decision making of vlog audience. This quantitative research was done by a survey method 400 sets of online survey questionnaires, distributed to vlog audiences from September to October 2018.

The result of the study, according to the analysis of the activities, interests and opinions, it could be grouped patterns of vlog audiences, which were: (1) Life is travel group (2) Family-oriented group (3) New social learner group (4) Technology person group (5) Arts person group and (6) Celebrity followers group. In terms of media exposure of vlog, the audiences have a high level of daily watching about travel vlog, watching for 30 minutes to 1 hour per time via YouTube to relieve stress and entertain. In terms of credibility, they have a high level of a dynamic information vlog and will focus on finding the information before tourism decision making.

Moreover, the hypothesis testing shown that lifestyle of vlog audiences were positively related to tourism decision making. Nevertheless, the study outcome proved that media exposure and credibility were positively related to tourism decision making as well. In particular, there were five factors that affected tourism decision making of vlog audience, listed in the order of importance, including (1) Credibility (2) Life is travel group (3) Family-oriented group (4) Media exposure group and (5) Technology person group.

Suggestions from the research found that although the vlog audiences have the most dynamic reliability, but the credibility in expertise, having an experience and knowledge about tourist attractions are also relatively low, so the research should study more about credibility, for example, how to increase the expertise of vlogger that the audience can be trusted at the same level as other aspects

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