A Study of Thai Political opinion trends of mass media’s Fanpage and hatred creating.

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ดลระวี สุดพุ่ม
กุลทิพย์ ศาสตระรุจิ


The purposes of this study were:  to study problem and pattern stating on Thai political news presentation by mass media in Facebook fanpage during election announcement by the NCPO that has hatred creating and opinion trends of mass media’s Fanpage This study was a qualitative research. There were interviews with 2 academic journalists and 2 mass media professionals then analyzed from media news presentation and participation behavior showing opinions of the news receiver on Facebook fanpage of Komchadluek and Voice TV21 for 17 news under the selection criteria to be consistent with the political participation behavior of the fan page members by determining the level of violence that created 3 levels of hatred. The findings indicated that media commenting on the presentation of political party movement news during the government's election announcement showed that the mass media of “Komchadluek” fanpage expressed opinions at the level of persuading others to hate the target for 2 news, not guilty of hatred for 4 news, and the level of hate speech without clear objectives for 1 news. For “Voice TV21”, there were comments at the level of persuading others to hate the target for 6 news, the level of persuading or inciting others to commit violent acts to the target group until the ritual level for 3 news, and the level being not leading to hatred for 1 news.Based on commenting behavior after receiving news from the media found that the fan page members on “Komchadluek” had participated in expressing opinions at the level of persuading others to hate towards the target group for 7 news and “Voice TV21”, 8 news and the level of persuading or inciting others to commit violent acts to the target group until the ritual level for 2 news.Based on the study of the performance of mass media from the perspective of academics and professionals in the media, including data analysis from Facebook fanpage: Komchadluek and Voice TV21 about news presentation found that the form of news presentation of the media (language, headlines, and pictures)influencedthebehavioroftheaudience.                                                                 

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