The Development of Application Entitled “Biographies and Records of National Athletes in SEA GAMES 2017” on Android Platform by MCOT (PCL)

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กุลธิดา ธรรมวิภัชน์
สุธิวัชร ศุภลักษณ์
คุณัญญา เทิดทินวิทิต
ธนพล ชุมเสนา
นฤมล มิตรเกษม


This research and development was aimed to survey the demands for an application entitled “Biographies and Records of National Athletes in SEA GAMES 2017” on Android platform by MCOT (PCL), to evaluate the quality, to evaluate the awareness and to examine the satisfaction of the sampling group. The tools used in this study included a questionnaire on the demands for the application entitled “Biographies and Records of National Athletes in SEA GAMES 2017” on Android platform by MCOT (PCL), a quality evaluation form, an awareness test for the sampling group, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The sampling group in this study consisted of 30 people in the Thai News Agency of MCOT (PCL) who were chosen using purposive sampling method out of those with over 2 years of working experience. The research results showed that the demands of the sampling group for the application entitled “Biographies and Records of National Athletes” were at the highest level (= 4.54 S.D. = 0.50). Regarding the contents, text was the most preferred feature (= 4.61 S.D. = 0.48). Regarding the graphics, classic mode was the most preferred feature (= 4.77 S.D. = 0.43).  Cool color tone was the most preferred feature (= 4.83 S.D. = 0.38). Regarding the symbols, simple and clear type was the most preferred feature (= 4.80 S.D. = 0.41). The researchers developed the application entitled “Biographies and Records of National Athletes in SEA GAMES 2017” on Android platform by MCOT (PCL) and it was evaluated by the expert panel to be at a very good level (= 4.71 S.D. = 0.38). The majority of the sampling group or 24 people (or 80 percent) showed a high level of awareness after the test. The sampling group expressed the highest level of satisfaction ( = 4.51 S.D. = 0.70). Therefore, the developed application entitled “Biographies and Records of National Athletes in SEA GAMES 2017” could be used in an effective manner.

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