The Construction of Isan Identity Through Short Films in Isan Film Festivals

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ณัฏฐธิดา จันเทร์มะ


This research analyzes the contents and the elements of films that show about Isan identity through 22 short films in Isan Film Festivals that were organized between 2004-2015. In addition the directors are interviewed. The results indicated that the contents and the elements of films including the thoughts of directors have an influence in the construction of Isan identity through short films. There were 2 groups of the contents. First is the Isan in new appearance. This is caused by director’s purposes that attempt to obliterate the negative myth and representation about Isan by represent new appearance of Isan Identity through short films that were simplicity, peaceful and livable. The depictions replace Isan with plentiful and delight fields instead of the representation of waterless territory seen in the past. The second is the reconstruction of the meaning of Isan underlying the primary myth. Isan was presented to be more romanticize such as presenting delight and peaceful field, livable country and full of generous people. However, it doesn’t work to help obliterate the primary myth of Isan. It helps to reconstruct the meaning of Isan identity underlying the primary myth.

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