Buddhist Principles and Public Welfare Rescue Group Operations Supported by Buddhist Institutions in Northern Thailand


  • Saichol Panyachit -
  • Natchapol Sirisawad Sirisawad Assistant Professor at South Asian Languages Section, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Arts,Chulalongkorn University


public welfare operation, rescue groups, Buddhist institutions, the principles of dharma


In socially engaged Buddhism, attempts are made to adjust the role of Buddhist institutions in order to adapt to the changing way of life in society. In line with this idea, this study examines the manner Buddhist principles are applied in public welfare operations of rescue groups supported by Buddhist institutions in 3 areas of northern Thailand; namely, 1) Sang Kaew Bodhiyan Rescue Group, Wat Sang Kaew Bodhiyan, Mae Suai district, Chiang Rai province, 2) Pho Nguyen Rescue Group, Doi Saket district, Chiang Mai province, and 3) Lampang Point Sop Prap Rescue association, Sop Prap district, Lampang province. Qualitative data was obtained from semi-structured, go-along, online interviews together with documentary studies, and fieldwork. Thirty monks/laypeople who are involved in the public welfare operations of the rescue groups supported by Buddhist institutions participated in this study. The objectives of this study include: 1) analyzing the essence, as well as 2) the application of the principles of dharma in the public welfare operations of the rescue groups, and 3) examining the development and recommendation of policy for Buddhist volunteerism in the public welfare operations of the rescue groups according to Buddhist principles.

The research found that the core principles of dharma exist at the basic level in the thoughts or minds of these rescue groups in support of their voluntary effort in order to achieve maximum benefit within the context of Saṅghahathura, which is service to society or serving the society with service mind. When they are in operations, such as rescuing effort, the groups apply the principles of dharma in the following orders: before operations, still in operations, and after operations. With regard to the development and recommendation of policy for Buddhist volunteerism, the groups demonstrate the connection with Buddhist principles in determining the mission of the rescue group's operations and the development of Buddhist volunteerism leading to the beginning of sustainable and efficient participation in the public welfare operations of the rescue groups.



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How to Cite

Panyachit, S. . ., & Sirisawad , N. S. . (2024). Buddhist Principles and Public Welfare Rescue Group Operations Supported by Buddhist Institutions in Northern Thailand. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 30(2-3), 42–71. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbscu/article/view/265969



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