“Cetanā” And “Kamma” in Theravāda Buddhism


  • Sumalee Mahanarongchai Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Cetanā, Kamma, Mind, Mental factor, Cetanā-cetasika


This research article studies the concept of intention (cetanā) in relation with kamma in Theravāda Buddhism by exploring whether the statement “cetanā is kamma” found in the Sutta points to the universal mental factor called intention (cetanā-cetasika) in the Abhidhammi c analysis. The study finds that cetanā as kamma does not signify the mental factor called intention. Rather, it signifies a volitional cluster where conscious minds, universal intentional mental factors, and various particular wholesome or unwholesome mental factors co-arise and co-operate in shaping 29 mind-patterns whose functions are to be aware of a perceived object in the stream of consciousness. Many conditions are required to make a flow of volition a kammic action. First, there must be sense-consciousness. Then the object must be strongly perceived and repetitively run through by seven conscious minds. Also, the intentional mental factor must cooperate with particular wholesome or unwholesome mental factors to put forth particular fruits (vipāka) which are capable of determining the moral values in successive moments.

Author Biography

Sumalee Mahanarongchai, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University




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How to Cite

Mahanarongchai, S. (2022). “Cetanā” And “Kamma” in Theravāda Buddhism. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 29(3), 1–28. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbscu/article/view/254309



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