Buddha and the Path to Liberation of Other Religions


  • Chalermwut Wijit Philosophy Program, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Buddhist Philosophy, religious pluralism, The Noble Eightfold Path


This research article aims to study the Buddhist attitude towards the path to liberation of other religions by focusing on the analysis of principles and teachings in the Tripitaka as the primary source. In addition, the analysis process will consider the arguments that appear in the commentary, monographs, and academic articles concerning the issue of Buddhism’s attitude towards the path to liberation of other religions, both in the Thai and English languages. The study finds that Buddhism does not view all religions as having the same ultimate destination, so the ways of each religion differ depending on its ultimate end. For Buddhism, the ultimate end is a complete liberation from suffering and the Noble eightfold paths are the only path that leads the highest end. However, Buddhism does not deny the possibility that this path exists in the doctrines of other religions because 1. Buddhism insists that the truth is universal, with the Buddha being only the discoverer, while others can discover the same truth without having to rely on Buddhism; 2. Even if the Noble Eightfold Paths is the only way to liberation, it can be expressed in many names and forms depending on the social context and the wisdom of the Dharma listeners. For this reason, it can be believed that the Buddha has not yet explained the Noble Eightfold Paths in all its possible forms; and 3. Buddhism offers a criterion for the truthfulness of the doctrines of many religions, which open up possibilities for other religions to lead to liberation.


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How to Cite

Wijit, C. (2021). Buddha and the Path to Liberation of Other Religions. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 28(3), 85–124. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbscu/article/view/244560



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