An explanation of Ultimate Truth with Language in Theravada Buddhism


  • Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimetee (Hemprapai) Faculty of Buddhism, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya university


Reality, Language, Theravada Buddhist


In this research, two objectives were purposely made: 1) to study the language in Theravada Buddhism, and 2) to explain the ultimate truth in Theravada Buddhism. This is a qualitative research done by the documentary analysis. In the research, it was obviously found that the language in Theravada Buddhism is presented through words and sentences. By the way, the words were described through the root and history of the word. In addition, they mean the meaning can change always. Although, the sentences which combine a lot of words together make up the meaning though the position of word in these. In the other hand, the sentences must have the subject that is obviously body. Finally, we can know how to use the language explained the ultimate truth with univocal word such as the suffering which not conflict with other meaning. With the sentences explained the ultimate truth, it hadn’t been the body of human but It had been meaning about the abstract thing or nature of things.



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How to Cite

Kittimethi, K. (2021). An explanation of Ultimate Truth with Language in Theravada Buddhism . Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 28(1), 109–133. retrieved from



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